Reopening and Covid-19
Our office will be reopening on Tuesday, June 2, 2020
We are following the most recent advice from the CDC and our professional organizations to make changes to keep you, our other patients, and our staff safe from infection. Some changes include:
Prior to an appointment, we will be screening patients by phone.
When you arrive at the office, your temperature will be assessed before you leave your car. Patients with a fever, cough, or other symptoms questionable for Covid-19 will be referred to their physician and rescheduled.
Once a normal temperature is confirmed, you will be asked to remove your mask and leave your car. You will be given an office mask to wear and then hand sanitizer will be applied to your hands. (Your own mask will stay in your car.)
Our waiting room will be closed until further notice, so if someone has accompanied you, they will have to wait in the car.
We have glassed-in the receptionist area (business office), removed all items on the treatment room counters, and added central heating and cooling UVC air cleaners.
We are allowing more time for appointments and are adhering to social distancing by attempting to see one treatment case at a time.
Our staff will also participate in daily screening and temperature checks and will also be wearing recommended N95 masks, as well as goggles and/or face shields. Gowns and gloves will also be worn in the treatment rooms.
There may be other changes as we try to keep social distancing to six feet.
Please Note: Do not take any medications that reduce a temperature.
Our goal is to keep you and the staff safe in our office. Please call our office at 734-971-0800 if you have any questions or concerns.